Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Next batch of Porn

It seems that when you tell excalibur films to ship your order "as soon as possible", they split it up and mail you one each month. Which sort of sucks, in that you can log in each day and see the next batch of porn waiting there for you, but you have to wait until the next month to get it.

But all that is more or less irrelevant today as the next batch is winging its way to my PO Box at the speed of the postal system...so not very fast :P

Later, I have to go and get the other person from the airport. So I can see the frequency of jerking off to go right down, and my usual level of privacy to go along with it.

Been keeping the average at around 1 a day lately. Have been going for quality, not quantity recently. Instead of rubbing one or three out each day, I take the time to make one that much better. This also has the plus side of having a fair bit more volume when I cum, which is quite a good feeling both in the lead up, during and afterwards. And with my pubic fur being fairly neatly trimmed right now, it is also easy for the all important clean up.

Wank it up.

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